CPLUG Newsletter - Hybrid Mode Edition (Week 2)

Weekly Newsletter Jan 12, 2022

Happy National Hot Tea Day, linear bounded automaton users! I hope your first week of school has treated you well.

My week, unfortunately, has been a medium amount of sucky. Who knew taking lots of CS classes could be stressful? On the bright side, I have a CI pipeline giving me big green checks on my pull requests, so I feel less sucky!

Winter 2022 Survey

Thank you to everyone who has taken our very short anonymous survey! If you haven't already, you have one last chance to take it to give us information about what kinds of activities we should plan. We will be releasing its results later.

FYM on Sunday!

Based on the survey responses, Free Your Machine (FYM) will continue to be on Sunday. The next one will be next Sunday (January 16 2022) from 11 am - 3 pm. For the time being, FYM will be hybrid, so we will be in room 197-204 (Bonderson, Sec Lab) as well as over Zoom (link will be posted in Discord)!

Shehbaj Dhillon will be presenting his Neovim configuration!

We host these meetings regularly, and you're not obligated to stay for the whole time. We can help with anything Linux-related, including but not limited to:

  • Installing Linux on whatever you want to install it on
  • Basic Unix/Linux help
  • Accessing the Cal Poly VPN or Unix servers
  • Any CS woes you have

If you have any other questions about the club or Linux, feel free to come and talk to other members of the club. Hope to see you all there!


Make sure you join our Discord to interact with other people in the club, and to get the Zoom link!

Upcoming Tech Talks

  • Shehbaj Dhillon - "Carve out your own dev environment using Neovim" (FYM on Sunday 2022-01-16)
  • Astrid Yu - "Managing multiple computers with NixOS" (FYM on Sunday 2022-11-23)

If you would like to give a tech talk, please drop a message in the suggestions channel in the Discord or message one of the officers like me!

This Week in Computer History

Between January 11 and January 16, 1960, a group of computer scientists convened to design ALGOL 60. ALGOL, although rarely in use today, has been extremely influetial on the design of most modern programming languages. It introduced concepts such as Backus-Naur Form for language description, the concept of code blocks (i.e. if, while, for...), and more, all of which are still used today, if in evolved forms.
