Week 3 Announcements

Weekly Newsletter Jan 18, 2021

Hello everyone! Here are the announcements for this week!

Tech Talk this Saturday

Save the date! Our first technical talk of the quarter will be on text editors! The talk is scheduled for Saturday, January 23 at 2:00 P.M.

At some point in your computing-related career, you'll probably have to use a [command-line-based] text editor. Whether you're just getting started with nano or engaged in the debate of vi(m) vs. Emacs, we hope to see you there!

As with all of our events, the Zoom link we will use is: https://ext.cplug.org/cplug-event-zoom

Zoom Meeting ID: 915 1582 1835
Passcode: (subscribe to our email list or join the Slack workspace for the password)

If you would like to give a technical talk, please send us an email!

Free Your Machine/Linux Tech Time

We will be holding another Free Your Machine event on Saturday, January 30 from 1:00 P.M. to about 4:00 P.M., Pacific Time! For more information, see https://cplug.org/free-your-machine/
