Fall 2021 Week 2 Announcements

Events Sep 27, 2021

Welcome back! We hope that you had a good summer break and your schedule this quarter is a good one. There are more announcements this week, so please read the entire email!

Free Your Machine

We will be hosting a FYM (Free Your Machine) this Saturday (2021 October 2) from 10am -12pm in room 197-204 (Bonderson, Sec Lab)!
We host these meetings regularly. If you cannot make it, please fill out the survey at the end of this email regarding meeting times so we can better plan these meetings.

From basic UNIX/Linux help (including the UNIX servers and VPN access) to getting a Linux environment up and running in a virtual machine or dual boot, we will gladly assist you. Also, If you have any other questions about the club or Linux feel free to come and talk to other members of the club.
Hope to see you all there!

Upcoming Tech Talk(s)

Currently, we do not have any technical talks planned for this quarter. For a list of our previous talks, see https://cplug.org/tag/technical-talks/
If you would like to give a technical talk, please send us an email ([email protected])!

Meeting Times/Suggestions

