Week 1 Events

Free Your Machine Sep 17, 2020


Hello everyone! Thank you for coming to our Week of Welcome event! To our new members, welcome to CPLUG! Please join our Slack workspace if you haven't already!

First Free Your Machine

Our first Free Your Machine is scheduled for Saturday, September 19, from 2:00 P.M. to about 4:00 P.M., Pacific Time! Our next FYM will be held on October 3rd. Feel free to stop by (not obligated to stay for the entire time)!

Here is the access information: https://ext.cplug.org/cplug-event-zoom

Zoom Meeting ID: 915 1582 1835
Passcode: (subscribe to our email list or join the Slack workspace for the password)

Tech Talks

We will be hosting a series of technical talks this quarter, with a focus on getting started with Linux (or your UNIX-like operating system of choice).
Keep an eye out for emails!
Below is a tentative/incomplete topic list. If you have suggestions, please send us an email or put write it in the #suggestions channel in Slack!

  • The command line
  • (text) editors
  • [source code] version control
  • connecting to the Cal Poly VPN
  • LaTeX crash course.
