Previous Projects

Projects Sep 1, 2020

Here are some of our previous projects! The projects were designed to help develop skills to greatly benefit students in future careers.

CPLUG Servers and Infrastructure

Skills Developed: Production Engineering/Site Reliability Engineering

Description: Build infrastructure for CPLUG and learn about setting up various services (web server, mail server, automation, etc).

Leads: Jim Heald , Kedwin Chen

Desktop Environment

Skills Developed: UI/UX, Windowing Systems, Desktop Environment Implementation

Description: Collaboration with Cal Poly User Experience Club. Work with designers to figure out how users interact with their desktop, and based on those insights create a new approach to a multi-application environment. Additionally, explore the possibility of scaling this environment to mobile systems, and potentially even VR!

Leads: Jim Heald , Mari Miranda , Joulien Ivanov

LED Kernel Monitor

Skills Developed: Hardware, Kernel Drivers

Description: Design and build an LED system that is able to give quick visual insights into the status of a Linux system.

Leads: David Heyer

SSH Authority

Skills Developed: Security, SSH, Chain of Trust

Description: Design an extension to SSH which allows SSH keys to be validated against some authority, and revoked if they are compromised. Potentially integrate blockchain technology for the chain of trust.

Leads: Cristiana Lingad , Kedwin Chen

Website Redesign

Skills Developed: Security, SSH, Chain of Trust, Public Key Infrastructure, Web Design

Description: Re-design the architecture of the CPLUG website! We are looking to migrate to a very robust solution for this site. Details to follow

Leads: David Heyer , Kedwin Chen
