A diagram of ARPANET, the precursor to our modern internet.

CPLUG Newsletter - New Year Edition (Week 1)

Free Your Machine Jan 5, 2022

Happy New Year, computing device users! I hope you've had a good break.

Personally, I had a decent break, but I'm still having trouble writing 2022 instead of 2021 in date fields. In fact, I almost screwed up the slug for this post due to it!

Winter 2022 Survey

Please take our very short anonymous survey so we can create a better club together! Even if you haven't attended any meetings but may be interested in joining, please still take it as it will help us improve!

FYM on Sunday!

We will be hosting an FYM (Free Your Machine) next Sunday (January 9 2022) from 11 am - 3 pm in room 197-204 (Bonderson, Sec Lab)!

If you don't like this time, please take the survey and let us know!

We host these meetings regularly, and you're not obligated to stay for the whole time. We can help with anything Linux-related, including but not limited to:

  • Installing Linux on whatever you want to install it on
  • Basic Unix/Linux help
  • Accessing the Cal Poly VPN or Unix servers
  • Any CS woes you have

If you have any other questions about the club or Linux, feel free to come and talk to other members of the club. Hope to see you all there!


Make sure you join our Discord for the hottest takes on text editors! Also to interact with other people in the club.

Upcoming Tech Talks

  • Shehbaj Dhillon - "Carve out your own dev environment using Neovim" (FYM on Sunday 2022-01-09)
  • Astrid Yu - "Managing multiple computers with NixOS" (during the FYM after that, whenever we decide it is)

If you would like to give a tech talk, please drop a message in the suggestions channel in the Discord or message one of the officers like me!

This Week in Computer History

The state diagram for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). You can read this newsletter all thanks to TCP!

On January 1, 1983, ARPANET officially adopted TCP/IP to replace the older NCP, an event often considered the birth of the internet. Creating the internet has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.
