Fall 2021, Week 7

Can you believe it's week 7 already? Neither can I.

FYM on Sunday!

We will be hosting an FYM (Free Your Machine) next Sunday (November 7 2021) from 11 am - 3 pm in room 197-204 (Bonderson, Sec Lab)! Just like last week, we will have free pizza. Halloween may be over, but you can still come in a costume if you really want.

We host these meetings regularly, and you're not obligated to stay for the whole time. We can help with anything Linux-related, ranging from basic UNIX/Linux help, including the UNIX servers and VPN access, to setting up your Linux environment up in a virtual machine or dual booting. We'll even help with any CPE 357 woes you have!

If you have any other questions about the club or Linux, feel free to come and talk to other members of the club. Hope to see you all there!

Recap of FYM on 10/31

Some random topics we discussed:

  • The infrastructure cycle
    • First you deploy everything with scripts.
    • But that's not extensible, so you declare your infrastructure as data in JSON/YAML.
    • But that's not flexible enough, so you write a full deployment app for that.
    • But changing that is too hard, so you create a DSL for deploying your infrastructure.
    • But the DSL is too hard to maintain, so you end up going back to scripts again.
    • The cycle repeats and repeats, producing endless SRE/Sysadmin job security.
  • Next.js 12 was released!
  • Database design - what are the ways to do it?
    • SQL databases
    • NoSQL databases
    • ORMs
    • Using Postgres as a NoSQL database
    • Single-table design

Upcoming Tech Talk(s)

  • Why use NixOS? - Astrid Yu, date still TBD. I'm working on it!

For a list of our previous talks, see https://cplug.org/tag/technical-talks/. If you would like to give a technical talk, please send us an email (cplug@calpoly.edu), or message one of the officers via Discord or Slack!