Fall 2021 Week 3 - Now on a new day!

Happy October! We hope your classes have been going well, and that your drivers continue to work. If not, then come to FYM and we can help!

Our new officers!

We have new officers for this year! See the Officers page to learn about them.

Free Your Machine

Based on the survey we sent out last week (you can still submit a response if you missed it!), we will be hosting an FYM (Free Your Machine) this Sunday (2021 October 10) from 11 am - 3 pm in room 197-204 (Bonderson, Sec Lab)!
We host these meetings regularly. If you cannot make it, please fill out the survey to let us know when would be best for you!

From basic UNIX/Linux help (including the UNIX servers and VPN access) to getting a Linux environment up and running in a virtual machine or dual boot, we will gladly assist you. Also, If you have any other questions about the club or Linux feel free to come and talk to other members of the club. Hope to see you all there!

Upcoming Tech Talk(s)

Currently, we do not have any technical talks planned for this quarter. For a list of our previous talks, see https://cplug.org/tag/technical-talks/. If you would like to give a technical talk, please send us an email (cplug@calpoly.edu)!